The ARCH newsletter - #2

The ARCH Newsletter #2


The ARCH Newsletter #2

The ARCH Info Session  - 11th April 2024

Founding Partner Introduction

- Heritage Crafts (UK)


The ARCH Info Session on the 11th of April, 2024

It was amazing welcoming so many organisations and individuals interested in preserving rare crafts, spanning from Canada in the North and the jungles of Colombia in the South to India, via the UK, Belgium, Norway, Germany, Austria, and beyond.

We had all 4 Founding Partners present at the meeting led by Daniel Carpenter (Heritage Crafts) and Kerstin Rice (1720). Our guests included Dr Ritu Sethi (Craft Revival Trust, India), Rachel Kelly (WCCE), Lieselot Cornelis and Davy Herremans (both ETWIE), Katy Bevan (Quickthorn Books), Daniel Vanden Broecke (Het Orgel in Vlanaderen), Kate Mason (Society of Designer Craftsmen Est 1887), Debora Plouy (CEMPER), Giovany Arteaga (Mundo Espiral Foundation), Gabriele Detschmann (indigo elementar AT), Lisa Niedermayr

(Academy for Fine Arts, Vienna), Antoine Gauthier (Quebec Council for Living Heritage), Eivind Falk (Heritage Alive & Norwegian Crafts Institute), María Subrá (Asociación Contemporánea de Artes y Oficios) and others.

The consensus was that it was good to have a platform like The ARCH to share and support rare crafts around the world. Further meaningful discussions following soon.

Image credit: Jack Stapleton on Unsplash

Founding Partner Introduction

- Heritage Crafts (UK)

Heritage Crafts is the UK charity for traditional heritage crafts. Working in partnership with Government and key agencies, it provides a focus for craftspeople, groups, societies and guilds, as well as individuals who care about the loss of traditional crafts skills, and works towards a healthy and sustainable framework for the future. It is a UNESCO accredited NGO for Intangible Cultural Heritage and advocated for UK ratification of the 2003 UNESCO Convention of the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, which was announced by the UK Government in December 2023.

Heritage Crafts began work on its Red List of Endangered Crafts in 2015 and published the first edition in 2017. The fourth edition of the Red List, funded by the Pilgrim Trust, assessed 259 crafts to identify those which are at greatest risk of disappearing, of which four have been classified as extinct, 62 as critically endangered, 84 as endangered and 112 as currently viable.


Survey on meeting topics

Great British Pub Culture

2 Founding Partners met in London last week for a Round Table discussion on skills preservation.

Afterwards, Daniel Carpenter and Mary Lewis (Heritage Crafts) and Kerstin Rice (1720) met to enjoy some great British pub culture at The Viaduct Tavern, EC1.

It is always great to meet in person. We are working on a location for our first annual meeting later this year.

The ARCH is looking for some volunteer contributors to help with raising the profiles of some truly rare crafts worldwide, the craftspeople and the stories behind the crafts. We want to share these on our social media channels.

The volunteering role is fully remote and flexible, both in schedule and skill set. Whether you (or anyone you know) can give 3 hours or 3 weeks we want to hear from you regarding your interest and skills you can bring to The ARCH.

If you are interested in heritage crafts, intangible cultural and/or social anthropology, please let us know how you would like to support us. There is lots to do to amplify our impact. Just send us a note to have a chat.

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